The GUMELAB logo
Overall, the logo aims to evoke key words like: innovation, intelligence and communication.
While the focus of Latin America is evident on the surface, other elements in the logo are more subtly implied. We see lines, waves, layers which rep¬resent the ways in which different memory processes flow and interact with each other through various media. These lines are formed in a shape that can be seen as a brain, with its two hemispheres, referencing the organ of our body responsible for storing our memory. The brain as a metaphor is also increasingly gaining importance within the digital world in the form of artificial intelligence, referring to the project’s emphasis on digital methods.
The lines also hint at a Latin American indigenous textile artefact called ‘mola’, which is created by the Guna using the technique of reverse apliqué. Through their use of geometric patterns, and representations of fauna and flora the Guna transmit stories, legends, information about medicinal plants through these textiles. As such, these ‘molas’ can be seen as a form of re-cording memory which counterbalances written historiography as the dom-inant mode of recording the past. GUMELAB similarly explores media often overlooked by traditional historiography and considers them legitimate and impactful vehicles of memory.
Nienke Schellinkhout Diaz - Graphic Designer